box office |
the ticket sales office of a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like. [3 definitions] |
box pleat |
a double pleat with edges folded toward each other. |
box score |
a statistical summary in table form of each player's performance in a game, esp. baseball or basketball. |
box seat |
a seat in a box, usu. offering a better view and some privacy, in a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like. |
box spring |
a cloth-covered bedspring having rows of individual but connected helical springs inside a boxlike frame. |
box supper |
a social and fund-raising occasion at which the participants bid for donated box lunches. |
boxthorn |
the matrimony vine. |
box turtle |
any of several North American land turtles with a hinged shell that can completely enclose the body; box tortoise. |
boxwood |
the hard, fine-grained, light yellow wood of the box tree or shrub, used for rulers, wood engravers' blocks, musical instruments, and the like. [2 definitions] |
boxy |
like a box, as in shape or confining quality. |
boy |
a male child or adolescent. [4 definitions] |
boycott |
to refuse to buy, use, attend, or deal with (a product, activity, business, or the like), usu. as a protest or means of persuasion. [2 definitions] |
boyfriend |
(informal) a male with whom one has a romantic relationship. [2 definitions] |
boyhood |
the state or period of life when one is a boy. |
boyish |
characteristic of a boy. |
Boy Scout |
a male member of a large youth organization that teaches outdoor skills, physical fitness, and the value and responsibilities of citizenship. |
Boy Scouts of America |
an American organization for youth that teaches outdoor skills, physical fitness, and the value and responsibilities of citizenship. |
boysenberry |
a fruit resembling a blackberry in appearance and a raspberry in flavor. [2 definitions] |
bozo |
(slang) a guy; fellow. [2 definitions] |
Br |
symbol of the chemical element bromine. |
Br.1 |
abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name). |