British Empire |
the collective name for the lands formerly ruled by the British monarch. |
Britisher |
a native of Great Britain, esp. of England, or a descendant thereof; Englishman or Englishwoman. |
British Honduras |
the name of Belize prior to independence in 1981. |
British Isles |
Great Britain, Ireland, and the adjacent smaller islands, collectively. |
Britishism |
Briticism. [2 definitions] |
British thermal unit |
a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories. (abbr.: Btu) |
British West Indies |
the Caribbean islands that are members of the Commonwealth, such as Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago. |
Briton |
a native or citizen of the United Kingdom, esp. England, or a descendant thereof; Britisher. [2 definitions] |
Brittany |
the westernmost, coastal region of France, formerly a province. |
brittle |
easily broken, esp. along smooth fracture lines. [4 definitions] |
bro |
(informal) shortened form of "brother," used as an informal term of address for a fellow male who is considered to be close. |
broach |
a tapered tool for making, shaping, or enlarging holes; gimlet. [7 definitions] |
broad |
wide; large; spacious. [7 definitions] |
broadax |
an ax with a wide blade and a short handle, used as a weapon or for cutting down timber. |
broadband |
pertaining to, emitting, or responsive to a wide range of radio frequencies. [2 definitions] |
broad bean |
a plant of the pea family that bears flat seeds that are used as a vegetable or an animal feed; fava bean. |
broadbill |
any of several birds characterized by a broad bill, such as the shoveler duck. [2 definitions] |
broadcast |
to transmit over television or radio. [9 definitions] |
Broad Church |
of or pertaining to a liberal party in the Anglican Church that advocates a broad interpretation of rituals and traditions. (Cf. High Church, Low Church.) |
broadcloth |
a fabric with a close weave and a soft finish, made of cotton, rayon, or silk and used for clothing. |
broaden |
to make or become broad. |