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brocade a fabric woven with a raised pattern. [2 definitions]
broccoli a cultivated subspecies of the cabbage, or the green flower buds and flowering stalk of this plant used for food.
brochette a small skewer or spit used for cooking.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, esp. one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
brogan a stout, ankle-high work shoe.
brogue1 a dialectal pronunciation, esp. an Irish accent.
brogue2 a strong laced shoe, usu. having decorative perforations.
broil1 to cook at high temperature with heat coming from one direction, as on a grill or in an oven. [6 definitions]
broil2 a rowdy quarrel or brawl. [2 definitions]
broiler a device used for broiling food, such as a grill, pan, or compartment in a stove. [2 definitions]
broiling causing the physical sensation of extreme heat.
broke past tense of "break." [2 definitions]
broken cracked or smashed into separate pieces, or no longer able to function. [9 definitions]
broken-down weak or shattered from disease or age.
broken-hearted full of intense grief or disappointment.
broker a person whose business is to negotiate buying and selling, esp. of stocks or real estate, on another's behalf. [2 definitions]
brokerage the business of a broker. [2 definitions]
bromate any salt of bromic acid.
bromeliad any of several plants of the pineapple family, usu. having stiff leaves and spikes of bright flowers, and sometimes growing non-parasitically on other plants.
bromic acid a poisonous acid that is stable only in very dilute form and is used as an oxidizing agent.
bromide a compound consisting of bromine and at least one other element. [4 definitions]