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Brunhild in the anonymous German medieval epic The Nibelungenlied, the queen of Iceland.
brunt the main part of a force or stress.
bruschetta a slice of toasted or grilled bread brushed with olive oil and garlic, typically topped with such items as diced tomatoes and fresh basil.
brush1 a device made of stiff hairs, such as nylon or animal hair, fastened into a handle, for grooming, painting, scrubbing, and the like. [8 definitions]
brush2 a thick growth of small trees, shrubs, or bushes. [2 definitions]
brush fire a fire in an area of bushes and shrubs. [2 definitions]
brush-off (informal) an abrupt dismissal or rejection.
brush off to casually refuse to talk with (someone); quickly dismiss.
brush up on to study again to bring one's knowledge up to date or to remember what might have been forgotten; review.
brushwood branches that have been chopped or broken off trees or bushes. [2 definitions]
brushwork work done with a brush, as in painting. [2 definitions]
brusque impolitely abrupt in speech or actions; curt.
Brussels the capital of Belgium.
Brussels sprout a green vegetable resembling a small head of cabbage that grows among other heads along a tall stalk of a plant. [2 definitions]
Brussels sprouts the small green edible heads that grow on the stem of a plant that is a type of cabbage. [2 definitions]
brutal exceptionally savage, merciless, or cruel. [3 definitions]
brutality the condition or quality of being brutal or very cruel. [2 definitions]
brutalize to treat savagely, mercilessly, or cruelly. [2 definitions]
brute any nonhuman animal, esp. a mammal. [5 definitions]
brutish being unfeeling, brutal, very stupid, or the like; savage.
bruxism the unconscious habit of grinding one's teeth, either while sleeping or waking.