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Brussels sprout a green vegetable resembling a small head of cabbage that grows among other heads along a tall stalk of a plant. [2 definitions]
Brussels sprouts the small green edible heads that grow on the stem of a plant that is a type of cabbage. [2 definitions]
brutal exceptionally savage, merciless, or cruel. [3 definitions]
brutality the condition or quality of being brutal or very cruel. [2 definitions]
brutalize to treat savagely, mercilessly, or cruelly. [2 definitions]
brute any nonhuman animal, esp. a mammal. [5 definitions]
brutish being unfeeling, brutal, very stupid, or the like; savage.
bruxism the unconscious habit of grinding one's teeth, either while sleeping or waking.
bryology the branch of botany dealing with mosses and liverworts.
bryony any of several perennial vines of the gourd family, having fleshy roots and bearing greenish flowers, the juice of which has been used to cause vomiting and bowel movement.
bryophyte any of the group of plants that consists of the true mosses, peat mosses, hornworts, and liverworts.
bryozoan any of a phylum (Bryozoa) of sessile invertebrate animals that uses tentacles to remove food particles from water.
Brythonic of or belonging to the P-Celtic group of languages. [2 definitions]
B.S.1 abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science," an undergraduate degree conferred on a person who has completed a curriculum in science, technology, or the like.
B.S.2 (often l.c.) (vulgar slang) abbreviation of "bullshit," lies, exaggerations, boasts, or the like.
Btu abbreviation of "British thermal unit" or "British thermal units," a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories.
bu. abbreviation of "bushel" or "bushels."
bubble an approximately spherical volume of gas bounded by a liquid or a solid. [7 definitions]
bubble bath a bath with an added liquid, crystal, or powder preparation that creates thick suds and perfumes and softens the water. [2 definitions]
bubble gum chewing gum that can be blown into large bubbles.
bubble memory a solid-state computer device that stores information, coded into binary digits, in microscopic magnetized areas in sheets, as of garnet.