buffalo |
any of various large mammals with long legs, hooves, and horns native to Africa and Asia. [4 definitions] |
buffalo grass |
a range grass found on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains. |
buffer1 |
a device, such as a bumper, that absorbs the force of a collision. [6 definitions] |
buffer2 |
something used to polish or shine. |
buffer state |
a neutral country located between two potentially hostile countries and regarded as helping to discourage war. |
buffet1 |
to hit or strike against. [4 definitions] |
buffet2 |
a piece of furniture with a flat top and storage shelves or drawers; sideboard. [4 definitions] |
bufflehead |
a small North American duck that has black and white feathers and a bushy head. |
buffo |
a comic role in an opera, usu. one for a bass singer. [2 definitions] |
buffoon |
someone who behaves comically; clown. [2 definitions] |
bufotenine |
a hallucinogenic drug made either synthetically or from the poisonous secretions of toads. |
bug |
any of a large group of insects with sucking mouths and forewings thickened at the base, such as the water bug. [8 definitions] |
bugaboo |
something that causes fear or persistent concern. |
bugbane |
any of various flowering plants related to the buttercup, bearing clusters of white flowers whose smell supposedly repels insects. |
bugbear |
something that causes fear, esp. fear that is exaggerated or without basis. |
bug bite |
(informal) the bite or sting of an insect or the resulting wound or swelling. |
buggy1 |
a small carriage with four wheels that is pulled by a single horse. [3 definitions] |
buggy2 |
infested or swarming with insects. [2 definitions] |
bugle1 |
a horn similar to a trumpet or cornet, but usu. without keys or valves. [4 definitions] |
bugle2 |
any of several plants of the mint family, bearing small white, blue, or pink flowers. |
bugle3 |
a cylindrical glass or plastic bead used to decorate clothing. |