bumptious |
obnoxiously assertive; pushy. |
bumpy |
covered with bumps; uneven. [3 definitions] |
bun |
a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [2 definitions] |
bunch |
a collection of attached similar things. [5 definitions] |
bunco |
(informal) an act of fraud or swindling; confidence scheme. [2 definitions] |
buncombe |
variant of bunkum. |
Bund |
a U.S. pro-Nazi association in the 1930s and 1940s. [2 definitions] |
bund |
an embankment, dike, or embanked road along a waterfront, esp. in Asia. |
Bundestag |
the lower house of the federal assembly of Germany, whose members are chosen by popular election. |
bundle |
an assemblage of things that have been tied, bound, or packaged together. [6 definitions] |
bundle up |
to dress in warm clothing, esp. bulky clothing. |
bung |
a cork or other stopper used to close the hole in a barrel or cask. [3 definitions] |
bungalow |
a small, cozy house; cottage. |
bungee |
see "bungee cord." |
bungee cord |
a strong elastic cord with hooks on each end, used to strap things down or absorb the shock of a suddenly applied force. Long bungee cords are used in the sport of bungee jumping. |
bungee jumping |
a recreational activity in which a person harnessed to the end of a long, anchored, elasticized rope, or bungee, steps off a height, rapidly drops hundreds of feet in the air, then bounces up and back down, repeatedly, while the movement gradually slows to a stop. |
bunghole |
the hole in a barrel or cask through which it is filled or emptied; bung. |
bungle |
to perform badly or incompetently; botch. [3 definitions] |
bungler |
one who performs badly or incompetently. |
bunion |
a swollen and inflamed area on the foot, esp. on the large toe. |
bunk1 |
a small single bed attached to a wall, or one of a pair of single beds supported by a framework and positioned one on top of the other. [3 definitions] |