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Burkina Faso a country in West Africa, south of Mali; formerly Upper Volta.
burl a rounded growth on the side of a tree, often used, in slices, to make veneer. [3 definitions]
burlap a rough fabric made from strong plant fibers such as hemp or jute, used esp. for large packing bags.
burlesque a book, play, skit, or the like that mocks something by comically treating it with inappropriate seriousness or levity. [5 definitions]
burley (often cap.) a low-nicotine, light-colored tobacco grown chiefly in Kentucky.
burly having a large, husky body; brawny.
Burma see "Myanmar."
Burmese a native or citizen of Myanmar, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions]
burn to be in flames; be on fire. [14 definitions]
burnable combined form of burn.
burn down to destroy (a standing structure or tall object) with fire. [2 definitions]
burner something or someone that burns. [2 definitions]
burning on fire; in flames. [4 definitions]
burnish to polish or make shiny by rubbing with a cloth or the like. [2 definitions]
burn one's bridges to eliminate all possibilities of going back or of reconsidering something one has said or done.
burn (one's) candle at both ends to use up (one's) energy or youth too fast or on too many activities.
burnoose a cloak with a hood, worn esp. by Arabs.
burnout a malfunction of a motor, electrical device, or the like caused by excess heat from electric current. [3 definitions]
burn out to become extinguished or stop functioning because of excessive friction or heat. [4 definitions]
burnsides a mustache and side whiskers worn with the chin clean-shaven. (See sideburns.)
burnt a past tense and past participle of "burn." [2 definitions]