burry1 |
covered with or full of burs. [2 definitions] |
burry2 |
of speech, as in the dialect of Scotland, having a burr. |
bursa |
a sac in the body, esp. one filled with fluid, that acts to protect against friction, as in a joint. |
bursar |
a person who is responsible for monetary matters, esp. at a college or university; treasurer. |
bursitis |
a painful disorder caused by the inflammation of a bursa, esp. in a joint of the shoulder, elbow, or knee. |
burst |
to break, open up, or explode suddenly, usu. because of internal pressure. [8 definitions] |
burst out |
to suddenly begin (doing something), as if having exploded. |
Burundi |
a central African country between Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. |
bury |
to cover in the ground with dirt. [6 definitions] |
bury one's head in the sand |
to refuse to confront reality or the facts; avoid the truth. |
bury the hatchet |
to forget past conflicts; make peace. |
bus1 |
a large motor vehicle with many seats, usu. used for public transportation. [3 definitions] |
bus2 |
to clear (tables), as in a restaurant. |
busboy |
a man or boy who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like. |
busby |
a tall hat made of fur and worn by certain British soldiers. |
busgirl |
a woman or girl who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like. |
bush1 |
a low plant having many woody branches; shrub. [3 definitions] |
bush2 |
a lining, usu. of metal, that is used in machines to reduce friction. [3 definitions] |
bush bean |
a low-growing variety of the green bean. |
bushed |
(informal) very tired; worn out. |
bushel1 |
in the US, a unit of capacity of dry measure equal to four pecks or 35.239 liters. [5 definitions] |