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businessperson a person who works in business or commerce, esp. an executive or manager.
businesswoman a woman who works in business or commerce.
busing in the United States, the transportation of school children in buses to schools that are not the nearest to their homes, esp. in order to achieve racial balance.
busk to play music, sing, or otherwise perform for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
busker a person who plays music, sings, or otherwise performs for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
buskin a boot, open in front and at the toes, that is secured with laces and that reaches halfway up the calf.
busking the activity of playing music, singing, or otherwise performing for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
busman a person who operates a bus; bus driver.
busman's holiday leisure time spent doing something similar to one's work.
buss to kiss. [2 definitions]
bus stop a point along a bus route where the bus will stop to allow passengers to board or exit.
bust1 a sculpture or other representation of the upper portion of the human body from the head to the shoulders or chest. [2 definitions]
bust2 (informal) to break or burst. [10 definitions]
bustard any of several large long-legged birds related to the cranes and often found in open grassy areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often fol. by "about"). [3 definitions]
bustle2 a cushion or wire frame formerly worn beneath a dress to add fullness in the rear. [2 definitions]
bust up to break up.
busy actively occupied; engaged. [5 definitions]
busybody someone who continually interferes in or inquires about other people's affairs.
but yet; and despite this. [6 definitions]
butadiene a flammable gas used in producing paint and synthetic rubber.