by |
next to; near. [16 definitions] |
by- |
by or beside; near. [2 definitions] |
by accident |
unintentionally; accidentally. [2 definitions] |
by all means |
without fail; of course; absolutely. |
by all odds |
in every conceivable or possible way; undoubtedly. |
by a long shot |
by a considerable amount or distance. |
by and by |
before long; soon. |
by and large |
in general; considering everything; primarily. |
by any means |
in any way possible; somehow. |
by degrees |
by steps or stages; gradually. |
by dint of |
through the power or force of; as a function of. |
bye1 |
shortened form of "good-bye." |
bye2 |
in a sports tournament, the situation of a contestant that is automatically passed on to the next round without having to face an opponent. [2 definitions] |
bye-bye |
(informal) farewell; good-bye. |
by-election |
in Britain and other countries, an election held between general elections to fill a vacant seat in government. |
Byelorussian |
see "Belorussian." |
by far |
clearly; undoubtedly. |
by fits and starts |
with much stopping and starting; in short, irregular bursts of activity. |
bygone |
gone by; former; past. [2 definitions] |
by halves |
incompletely or imperfectly. [2 definitions] |
by hand |
with the use of your hands, or by human effort without the help of any machines. |