CA |
an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the Pacific coast. |
cab1 |
a taxicab. [3 definitions] |
cab2 |
a Hebrew unit of measure equal to roughly two quarts. |
cabal |
a small group of people engaged in a secret plot, usu. of a political nature. [3 definitions] |
cabala |
a mystical system of scriptural interpretation that originated in Judaism and was conveyed throughout medieval Europe. [2 definitions] |
caballero |
a Spanish or Latin American gentleman. [3 definitions] |
cabana |
a small cottage or tentlike shelter, esp. one that serves as a bathhouse for swimmers. |
cabaret |
a nightclub or restaurant that provides food, liquor, and live entertainment. |
cabbage |
a vegetable with large green or purple leaves that overlap tightly to form a round head. [3 definitions] |
cabbage butterfly |
any of several common white butterflies, the green larvae of which feed on cabbage and related plants. |
cabbage palm |
any of several palms that have edible leaf buds. |
cabbage palmetto |
a cabbage palm of the southeastern United States. |
cabby |
(informal) a taxicab driver. |
Cab Calloway |
U.S. jazz singer, performer, and bandleader (b.1907--d.1994). |
cabdriver |
the driver of a taxicab or horse-drawn carriage for public hire. |
caber |
a long wooden pole, resembling a telephone pole, that is hoisted at one end and then thrown end over end to demonstrate strength, esp. in Scottish Highland games. |
cabernet |
a type of dry, full-bodied red wine made in California. |
cabin |
a small dwelling, usu. rough and simple in style and construction. [4 definitions] |
cabin boy |
a boy or man hired to wait on the officers and passengers aboard a ship. |
cabin cruiser |
a power-driven boat with a cabin so equipped that passengers can wash, cook, and sleep on board. |
cabinet |
a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers, and usually covered by a door or doors. [6 definitions] |