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cabby (informal) a taxicab driver.
Cab Calloway U.S. jazz singer, performer, and bandleader (b.1907--d.1994).
cabdriver the driver of a taxicab or horse-drawn carriage for public hire.
caber a long wooden pole, resembling a telephone pole, that is hoisted at one end and then thrown end over end to demonstrate strength, esp. in Scottish Highland games.
cabernet a type of dry, full-bodied red wine made in California.
cabin a small dwelling, usu. rough and simple in style and construction. [4 definitions]
cabin boy a boy or man hired to wait on the officers and passengers aboard a ship.
cabin cruiser a power-driven boat with a cabin so equipped that passengers can wash, cook, and sleep on board.
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers, and usually covered by a door or doors. [6 definitions]
cabinetmaker a woodworker who specializes in making cabinets, chests, and other fine furniture.
cabinetwork fine wooden furniture made by a cabinetmaker. [2 definitions]
cabin fever anxiety caused by being confined to a small space or isolated from other people for a length of time, as during winter.
cable a thick, strong rope made of fiber or steel. [11 definitions]
cable car an enclosed passenger vehicle either on rails or suspended on a cable and pulled back and forth by a moving cable, esp. up and down a steep incline or across a chasm.
cablecast a broadcast transmitted through cable television. [3 definitions]
cablegram a telegraph message sent by underwater cable.
cable length a unit of nautical length equal to 720 feet or 219.6 meters in the United States.
cable railway a system of transportation in which enclosed passenger cars, pulled by a continuously moving underground cable, roll along rails.
cable television a form of television in which the sound and picture signals from distant stations are received by a master antenna and then delivered by electrical cable. Cable television typically provides clear reception, access to a large number of channels, and a relatively wide range of programming, whereas conventional television is limited to the reception of signals from local stations.
cablevision cable television.
cabochon a polished gemstone, usu. in the form of a circle or ellipse, without facets. [2 definitions]