cad |
a person who behaves crudely or dishonorably. |
cadaver |
a dead body, esp. one used for medical research or instruction. |
cadaverous |
of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated. [2 definitions] |
caddie |
a person who carries the clubs of a golfer during a round and assists the golfer in other ways. [2 definitions] |
caddis fly |
a small mothlike insect found near lakes and streams that has two pairs of membranous wings. |
caddish |
of or similar to a cad; ungentlemanly; despicable. |
caddisworm |
the wormlike larva of a caddisfly that lives in fresh water in an elongated case made of sand, plant debris, and the silk secreted by the larva after hatching. |
caddy1 |
a small box or similar container, as for tea or pencils. |
caddy2 |
variant of caddie. [2 definitions] |
-cade |
a procession. |
cadence |
a rhythmic pattern of movement, as in music or poetry. [3 definitions] |
cadenza |
in music, an elaborate section near the end of a composition, usu. allowing a soloist to display virtuosity. |
cadet |
a student in a military academy; person training to be a military officer. |
cadge |
to obtain by begging or otherwise imposing on others. [2 definitions] |
cadi |
a Muslim judge whose decisions are based on Islamic religious law. |
Cadmean victory |
a battle won, but at enormous cost to the victor. |
cadmium |
a chemical element that has forty-eight protons in each nucleus and occurs in various compounds or in pure form as a soft bluish white metal. (symbol: Cd) |
cadre |
in the military, a core group of experienced personnel who can set up and train a new unit. [2 definitions] |
caduceus |
in mythology, the staff carried by Mercury, which was entwined by two snakes and had two wings at the top. [2 definitions] |
caecum |
a variant of cecum. |
Caesar |
the title of the emperors of Rome from Augustus to Hadrian and the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. [3 definitions] |