cagey |
careful not to be trapped or taken advantage of; wary; shrewd. |
cahoots |
(informal) partnership or collusion of a disreputable sort (prec. by "in"). |
caiman |
any of several tropical American reptiles similar to crocodiles or alligators. |
Cain |
according to the Old Testament, the first son of Adam and Eve, who murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy. |
caïque |
a small single-masted sailing vessel used in the eastern Mediterranean. [2 definitions] |
cairn |
a pile of stones put up as a landmark or monument. |
Cairo |
the capital of Egypt. |
caisson |
a watertight chamber used in constructing or repairing underwater structures. [2 definitions] |
caisson disease |
see "aeroembolism." |
cajole |
to coax or persuade insistently, as by flattery or false promises. |
Cajun |
a person of French Acadian descent, now usu. native to Louisiana. [2 definitions] |
cake |
a sweet, baked food made with flour, sugar, and eggs, often in the form of a loaf or round layers. [4 definitions] |
cakes and ale |
the good things in life; material or worldly pleasures. |
cakewalk |
a high-strutting, marchlike dance done in competition for the prize of a cake, awarded to the most intricate or unusual performance. [5 definitions] |
Cal.1 |
abbreviation of "large calorie," or "large calories," a unit of energy used for measuring energy value of food oxidized in the body, or the amount of food capable of producing such a unit. |
Cal.2 |
an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the west coast. |
cal.2 |
abbreviation of "small calorie," or "small calories," a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius, also known as "gram calorie." |
cal.1 |
abbreviation of "caliber." |
calabash |
any of various hard-shelled gourds, or the vine that bears such a gourd. [2 definitions] |
calaboose |
(informal) a jail or prison. |
caladium |
any of various American tropical plants of the arum family that are grown for their colorful variegated leaves. |