caliph |
in Islam, a spiritual and political leader in some Muslim countries. |
caliphate |
the area ruled, length of rule, or office of a caliph. |
calisthenics |
exercises to promote strength and flexibility, done without special equipment. [2 definitions] |
calk1 |
variant of caulk. |
calk2 |
a part projecting from the bottom of a horseshoe to prevent slipping on smooth surfaces. [4 definitions] |
call |
to shout or cry out. [25 definitions] |
calla |
any of several subtropical plants, esp. the calla lily, which has a large, white petal-like part surrounding a yellow spike of tiny flowers. [2 definitions] |
callable |
combined form of call. |
call-and-response |
of or pertaining to music that alternates between one player, singer, or section, and another in a pattern of statement and response. |
call around |
to make phone calls to different people asking the same question of each. |
call a spade a spade |
to speak plainly or straightforwardly; speak the truth. |
callback |
a request to a worker to return to work, esp. after a layoff or after normal working hours. [3 definitions] |
call back |
to continue a telephone conversation with (someone) at a later time, or to return someone's telephone call. |
callboard |
a backstage bulletin board in a theater, used by the director, stage manager, and the like to post notices or instructions. |
call box |
a box containing a telephone, posted on a street or highway, and used to make emergency calls. [2 definitions] |
callboy |
a person who tells actors when it is time for them to be backstage for their entrances. [2 definitions] |
call down |
to reprimand (someone); scold. |
caller |
a person or thing that calls. [2 definitions] |
call for |
to stop by for; fetch; pick up. [3 definitions] |
call girl |
a female prostitute who may be hired by telephone. |
calligraphy |
the art of beautiful handwriting. [3 definitions] |