campanile |
a bell tower, esp. a free-standing one near another building such as a church. |
campanula |
any of various bellflower plants that bear bell-shaped, usu. blue flowers. |
camp bed |
(chiefly British) a small portable bed, esp. one that folds up; cot. |
camp chair |
a lightweight folding chair, usu. made of canvas, plastic webbing, or the like. |
campcraft |
the knowledge, techniques, or practice of camping outdoors. |
campeachy wood |
see "logwood." |
camper |
a person who stays at a camp or participates in camping. [2 definitions] |
campesino |
(Spanish) a farm worker or peasant. |
campfire |
an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth, as at a camp or camping site. [2 definitions] |
camp fire member |
a member of the Camp Fire, an organization originally for girls and now also open to boys, founded to promote good values and character and develop practical skills. |
camp follower |
a civilian, esp. a prostitute, who follows an army from place to place in order to sell goods or services to the soldiers. [2 definitions] |
campground |
a natural area established as a place for camping, often with running water and toilets. |
camphor |
a whitish, strong-smelling compound extracted from camphor trees or synthesized, and used in plastics, insect repellents, and medications. |
camphorate |
to treat or impregnate with camphor. |
camphor ball |
a small mass of solid chemicals, including naphthalene or camphor, used to repel moths; mothball. |
camphor ice |
a medicinal ointment composed of wax, camphor, and oil used chiefly to treat minor skin problems. |
camping |
the activity of staying for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or to save money on accommodation while traveling. |
campion |
any of various wild plants that bear pink, red, or white flowers. |
camp meeting |
a religious gathering, usu. held over several days, taking place either outdoors or inside a tent. |
campsite |
a place where one sets up camp, usually within a campground. [2 definitions] |
campstool |
a lightweight folding seat, usu. having three or four legs and no back or arms. |