can2 |
a commercial metal container, often cylindrical, for food or other products. [9 definitions] |
Canaan |
the Biblical name of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which is now the state of Israel. [2 definitions] |
Canada |
a North American country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of the United States. |
Canada balsam |
a clear thick yellow resin of a particular fir tree that hardens when exposed to air and is used chiefly as mounting cement in microscopy. |
Canada Day |
a Canadian legal holiday on July 1, celebrating the anniversary of the formation of the Dominion in 1867; formerly Dominion Day. |
Canada goose |
a large wild goose of North America, having brownish gray feathers, a black head and neck, and a white patch under the chin and up both sides of the face. |
Canadian |
of or pertaining to Canada or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions] |
Canadian bacon |
a cured, boneless strip of pork loin having a hamlike taste, usu. packaged in a cylindrical piece to be sliced. |
Canadianism |
a custom, quality, or word use that originates in Canada or is peculiar to Canada. |
canaille |
the common masses of people, regarded unfavorably; riffraff; rabble. |
canal |
a man-made waterway for transportation or irrigation. [3 definitions] |
canalboat |
a long narrow vessel used to transport freight along canals and riverways. |
canaliculus |
a small bodily channel or tubular passage, such as a tear duct, or a tiny groove, as in a bone. |
canalize |
to furnish with or convert into a canal or canals. [3 definitions] |
Canal Zone |
a strip on either side of the Panama Canal that will be under U.S. control until 1999. |
canapé |
a cracker or small piece of bread or toast spread with cheese, meat, or other appealing food and served as an appetizer. |
canard |
a deliberately false story or rumor, usu. defamatory to someone. |
canary |
a small greenish to yellow finch native to the Canary Islands, often kept as a singing cage bird. [3 definitions] |
Canary Islands |
a group of islands off the northwest coast of Africa that comprises two Spanish provinces; Canaries. |
canary yellow |
see "canary." |
canasta |
a card game for two to six players, similar to rummy and using two decks of cards. |