captivating |
causing one to be charmed or fascinated, as by beauty or intellectual appeal. |
captive |
one who is confined or subjugated, such as a prisoner. [6 definitions] |
captive breeding |
the act of maintaining populations of plants or animals in controlled environments, conservation facilities and wildlife reserves. |
captivity |
the condition of being captive; bondage; imprisonment. [2 definitions] |
captor |
one who takes or holds someone or something captive. |
capture |
to seize by overpowering or plotting. [6 definitions] |
capuchin |
a Central or South American monkey with a nearly bare face and a crown of hair that resembles a monk's hood. [3 definitions] |
capybara |
a large tailless South American rodent that lives near water. |
car |
an automobile. [3 definitions] |
carabao |
the water buffalo. |
carabineer |
variant of carbineer. |
carabiner |
a D-shaped coupling link with a safety closure used for fastening ropes in mountaineering. |
caracara |
any of several large, long-legged birds, related to hawks and found from the southern United States to South America, that feed on carrion or live prey. |
Caracas |
the capital of Venezuela. |
caracole |
a horse rider's maneuver of a half turn to either side. |
caracul |
the fur made from a karakul lambskin; broadtail. [2 definitions] |
carafe |
a bottle, often flared at the mouth, for serving water, wine, and the like. |
caramel |
sugar that is heated until it liquefies and turns brown, used to color and flavor foods. [2 definitions] |
caramelize |
to turn (sugar) into caramel by heating. [2 definitions] |
caramelized |
(of a vegetable or other food containing natural sugar) cooked to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. |
carapace |
a horny covering or shield on the back of certain animals such as turtles and crustaceans. |