carbohydrate |
any of a class of organic compounds including sugars, starches, and celluloses that are formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that are important in plants and necessary to animal and human nutrition. [2 definitions] |
carbolated |
containing or treated with carbolic acid. |
carbolic acid |
phenol. |
carbolize |
to treat or sterilize with carbolic acid. |
carbon |
a chemical element that has six protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure forms as diamond and graphite, or in a large variety of compounds such as carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, and petroleum hydrocarbons. (symbol: C) [7 definitions] |
carbon 14 |
a radioactive isotope of carbon that has a half-life of about 5,700 years and whose presence in rock, fossils, and other archaeological specimens enables them to be dated. |
carbonaceous |
of, like, containing, or yielding carbon. |
carbonara |
designating pasta that is covered with a mild cheese sauce made up of eggs, bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese. |
carbonate |
in chemistry, a salt or ester of carbonic acid. [3 definitions] |
carbonated |
of or pertaining to water infused with carbon dioxide gas (used esp. in reference to carbonated beverages). |
carbonation |
infusion of water with carbon dioxide gas. |
carbon-based |
of or pertaining to something that contains organic molecules as a key component. |
carbon black |
any of various finely divided forms of carbon obtained from the incomplete burning of natural gas or petroleum oil, and used to make ink, pigments, and rubber, and as a filtering agent. |
carbon copy |
a copy of a document, letter, or the like that is made by using carbon paper. [2 definitions] |
carbon-date |
to determine the approximate age of (materials containing carbon, such as fossils) according to the residue of carbon 14 that is present. |
carbon dating |
a way of approximating the age of an archaeological object by measuring the amount of carbon 14 in it. |
carbon dioxide |
a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas made up of carbon and oxygen that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages. |
carbon footprint |
the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by a single person, organization, product, or process. |
carbonic |
of, containing, or derived from carbon with a valence of four. |
carbonic acid |
a weak colorless unstable acid, present only in solution, formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in water. |
Carboniferous |
the Carboniferous Period, or the rock and coal layers that date from that time. |