carcinogenesis |
the development of cancerous cells from normal ones. |
carcinoid |
a small tumor that secretes serotonin, found esp. in the gastrointestinal tract or lung. |
carcinoma |
a malignant tumor consisting of epithelial cells; cancer. |
car coat |
an overcoat that reaches to the hip or thigh. |
card1 |
a small piece of thick paper, cardboard, or plastic printed with personal data such as name and address and used as identification. [4 definitions] |
card2 |
a mechanical device used for combing cotton, wool, or the like in order to remove the shortest fibers prior to spinning. [2 definitions] |
cardamom |
the seed of an Asiatic perennial or an East Indian plant, used medicinally and as a spice. [2 definitions] |
cardboard |
a rigid material made of layers of paper and used in packaging, signs, and the like. |
card-carrying |
closely identified with a particular group (usu. used to disparage). |
card file |
a shallow, usu. small box or drawer for index cards. [2 definitions] |
cardia |
the opening from the esophagus into the stomach. |
cardiac |
of or pertaining to the heart. [3 definitions] |
cardiac arrest |
the failure of the heart to pump blood; heart attack. |
cardigan |
a soft, usu. knitted, collarless jacket or sweater that buttons or hangs open in the front. |
cardinal |
in the Roman Catholic Church, an official appointed by the pope and second in rank to him. [4 definitions] |
cardinalate |
the College of Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions] |
cardinal flower |
a plant of eastern North America that grows in moist ground or shallow water. [2 definitions] |
cardinal number |
any number used to express quantity but not order. (Cf. ordinal number.) |
cardinal points |
the four main points of the compass; north, east, south, and west. |
cardinal virtues |
the basic virtues in ancient Greek philosophy; justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude. |
card index |
a systematically arranged collection of cards bearing information of specified types, such as names and addresses; card file; card catalog. |