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caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance. [4 definitions]
caries bone decay, esp. tooth decay.
carillon a musical instrument composed of a stationary set of bells hung in a tower, usu. played from a keyboard that activates hammers. [2 definitions]
carillonneur one who plays the carillon.
carina in biology, a thin ridgelike structure, such as the projecting part of a bird's breastbone.
cariole a small open two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse. [2 definitions]
carious having caries; decayed, as teeth.
caritas (Latin) love; charity.
Carl Jung a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist (b.1875--d.1961).
carload the amount of anything that a car, esp. a railroad car, can or does hold. [2 definitions]
carloadings the number of carloads shipped by rail to or from a place in a specified period.
carmagnole a popular song and street dance of the French Revolution. [2 definitions]
carmaker an automobile manufacturing company.
carman one who works on a streetcar; motorman or conductor.
Carmelite a monk or friar of the religious order founded at Mt. Carmel in the twelfth century. [2 definitions]
carminative a substance that induces expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. [2 definitions]
carmine a reddish purple pigment made from cochineal. [2 definitions]
carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
carnal of or pertaining to the flesh or body, esp. sexual appetites and activities. [2 definitions]
carnation any of various flowers related to the pink, with fragrant, fringed flowers of various colors, esp. red, white, and pink.
carnauba see "wax palm." [2 definitions]