carp1 |
to complain and criticize constantly, esp. about petty things. |
carp2 |
a large edible freshwater fish, found or bred in lakes and ponds. [2 definitions] |
carpal |
of or pertaining to the wrist. [2 definitions] |
carpal tunnel syndrome |
a pathological condition of pressure on the median nerve of the wrist and hand, usu. resulting in pain, numbness, and muscular weakening. |
car park |
(chiefly British) a usu. paved area where motor vehicles can be parked; parking lot. |
carpe diem |
(Latin) seize the day; the attitude or advice that one should enjoy today without thought for tomorrow. |
carpel |
the female organ of a flower, consisting of a modified leaf that forms a single pistil or one member of a compound pistil, in which the seeds mature. |
carpenter |
one who constructs or repairs wooden objects or structures. [3 definitions] |
carpenter ant |
any of various types of large ant that nest in decaying trees and wood buildings and gnaw out tunnels in which to lay their eggs. |
carpenter bee |
any of various types of bee that bore tunnels in wood and lay their eggs there. |
carpentry |
the work or product of a carpenter. |
carpet |
a heavy fabric covering for floors, often used to cover the floors of entire rooms. (Cf. rug.) [3 definitions] |
carpetbag |
a traveling bag of heavy fabric, esp. carpet. [2 definitions] |
carpetbagger |
one who moves to a place for the purpose of seeking political advantage. [2 definitions] |
carpet beetle |
any of several small beetles whose larvae feed on and damage furs and woolens. |
carpeting |
a fabric of which carpets are made. [2 definitions] |
carpet sweeper |
a long-handled, hand-operated household implement containing a rotating brush that sweeps dirt, lint, and the like from rugs and carpets. |
-carpic |
having (such) a number or type of fruit. |
carping |
inclined to find fault or complain. |
carpool |
an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [3 definitions] |
carport |
a roofed, wall-less shelter for an automobile, usu. attached to a house or other building. |