cashable |
combined form of cash. |
cash-and-carry |
sold for cash only and without delivery or other services, as goods, or selling only in this way, as a store. |
cashbook |
a record of cash payments and receipts. |
cash crop |
a crop grown for sale to others rather than for personal use. |
cash discount |
a discount on merchandise given in exchange for payment within a stipulated period, or the amount or percentage of the discount. |
cashew |
a tropical American evergreen tree whose bark is used to produce a medicinal gum. [2 definitions] |
cash flow |
the net cash proceeds of operating a business during a specified period of time. |
cashier1 |
an employee who receives payment from customers or shoppers. [2 definitions] |
cashier2 |
to dismiss from a position of trust or responsibility, esp. for serious breach of duty. |
cashier's check |
a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by its cashier. |
cash in |
(informal) to die. |
cashless |
combined form of cash. |
cash machine |
a bank machine used for dispensing cash and other transactions. |
cashmere |
the very fine soft wool growing at the roots of the hair of Kashmir goats. [2 definitions] |
cash register |
a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores. |
casing |
a covering or wrapping. [4 definitions] |
casino |
a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, esp. gambling games. [3 definitions] |
cask |
a large, strong barrel used esp. for storing wine, sherry, and similar alcoholic beverages. [3 definitions] |
casket |
a box in which a dead person is buried; coffin. [3 definitions] |
Caspar Milquetoast |
a timid, easily dominated character in the early twentieth-century comic strip The Timid Soul by H. T. Webster. [2 definitions] |
Caspian Sea |
a large inland sea surrounded by Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. |