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cast-iron made of cast iron. [2 definitions]
castle a large, fortified residence of nobles in feudal times, sited to dominate the surrounding countryside. [6 definitions]
castle in the air a fanciful wish or scheme; daydream; pipe dream.
castoff discarded or rejected. [2 definitions]
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
castor1 an oily, brown, odorous secretion of the groin glands of the beaver, used in medicines and perfumes. [2 definitions]
castor2 a revolving stand for condiment or spice containers, or the containers themselves; caster.
Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology, the twin brothers of Helen, one mortal and the other immortal.
castor oil a colorless or yellowish oil derived from castor beans and used as a lubricant and cathartic.
castor-oil plant a large tropical plant, native to Africa and Asia, from whose seeds castor oil is extracted.
cast pearls before swine to offer or provide something of value to persons who cannot understand or appreciate it.
castrate to remove the sexual organs of, esp. the testicles; geld. [2 definitions]
Castries the capital of St. Lucia.
cast steel steel shaped by casting rather than rolling or forging.
cast the first stone to be the first to accuse someone of wrongdoing.
casual occurring by chance; unplanned; accidental. [6 definitions]
casualty a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action. [5 definitions]
casuist one who is expert in, or tends to resort to, casuistry.
casuistry the application of general ethical principles in determining right and wrong in particular cases. [2 definitions]
casus belli (Latin) an event or occurrence that provokes or serves as a pretext to declare war.
cat1 a small carnivorous furry mammal, usu. kept as a pet or to catch mice and rats. [4 definitions]