catatonia |
a disorder, esp. of schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles, mental stupor, and muteness; catalepsy. |
catatonic |
suffering from catatonia. [2 definitions] |
Catawba |
a member of a North American Indian tribe of South Carolina. [3 definitions] |
Cat Ba Island |
the largest of the 366 islands in Halong Bay off the coast of northern Vietnam. |
catbird |
a dark gray North American songbird having one call that sounds like the mewing of a cat. |
catbird seat |
any situation or position that gives one control or the power to gain one's ends. |
catboat |
a broad-beamed sailboat with a single large sail on a mast set well forward. |
cat burglar |
a burglar who gains entry through upper windows, roof doors, and the like; second-story man. |
catcall |
a human cry or whistle expressing contempt or disapproval; jeer. [2 definitions] |
catch |
to capture or grab, usu. after pursuit. [18 definitions] |
Catch-22 |
a situation in which one is trapped between two logically contradictory rules or regulations that make successful action impossible. |
catchable |
combined form of catch. |
catchall |
a receptacle for various items. [2 definitions] |
catch-and-release |
in fishing, a policy of conservation that requires fish to be released back into the wild after being caught. |
catch basin |
a receptacle at the entry to a sewer designed to trap any matter that might block drainage. |
catch cold |
to become ill with a cold. |
catcher |
one that catches. [2 definitions] |
catch fire |
to start to burn. |
catchfly |
any of various plants that secrete a sticky fluid to catch small insects. |
catching |
tending to infect or be taken up by another. [2 definitions] |
catchment |
the collecting of water, esp. rainwater, in a reservoir or drainage area. [2 definitions] |