catty2 |
a unit of weight used in Southeast Asia, equal to 680 grams, or about one and one half pounds, but in China equal to five hundred grams. |
catty-cornered |
a variant of cater-cornered. |
catwalk |
a narrow, raised walkway, as on a bridge or other high structure. |
Caucasian |
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a light-skinned person of European origin. [7 definitions] |
Caucasoid |
(outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in Europe, North Africa, western Asia, and India, generally characterized by fair to brown skin and straight to curly hair of any color. [2 definitions] |
Caucasus |
the region between the Black and Caspian Seas (prec. by "the"). [2 definitions] |
caucus |
a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself. [2 definitions] |
caudal |
of, at, or near the tail or hind part of the body. [2 definitions] |
caudate |
having a tail or similar appendage. |
caudle |
a warm drink made esp. for the sick, usu. containing wine or ale, bread, sugar, eggs, and spices. |
caught |
past tense and past participle of catch. |
caul |
the membrane that surrounds a fetus in the womb, esp. a part of this that sometimes covers its head when it is born. [2 definitions] |
cauldron |
a round metal pot that is hung or placed over a fire, used for boiling liquids. |
cauliflower |
a cultivated vegetable related to cabbage that bears a large, dense head of edible, crunchy, usu. white flowers. |
cauliflower ear |
an ear that is permanently misshapen as a result of repeated blows or injuries, as from boxing. |
caulk |
to seal against leakage of water or air, esp. by filling in cracks, as in the seams of a boat or the joints of a pipe. |
caulking |
elastic material used to seal and fill cracks. |
causal |
being or involving a cause. [2 definitions] |
causality |
the relationship or connection between cause and effect. [3 definitions] |
causation |
the act or process of causing. [2 definitions] |
causative |
having an effect; serving as an agent or cause (often fol. by "of"). [3 definitions] |