C clef |
a sign on a musical staff that shows the position of middle C. |
CD2 |
abbreviation of "certificate of deposit," a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit. |
CD1 |
abbreviation of "compact disk," a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device; optical disk. |
Cd |
symbol of the chemical element cadmium. |
an abbreviation for "compact disk, read only memory." |
abbreviation of "Central Daylight Time." |
Ce |
symbol of the chemical element cerium. |
C.E. |
abbreviation of Common Era or Christian Era (used in dates to refer to the period beginning with year 1.) |
ceanothus |
any tree or shrub of the genus Ceanothus, having clusters of blue or white flowers. |
cease |
to stop or come to an end. [3 definitions] |
cease-fire |
a temporary suspension of hostilities; truce. [2 definitions] |
ceaseless |
continuous and unending. |
cecropia moth |
(sometimes cap.) a very large North American moth that has wide brown wings with crescent-shaped red and black markings. |
cecum |
a cavity opening at only one end, esp. the pouch at the head of the large intestine. |
cedar |
any of several cone-bearing evergreen trees of the pine family with aromatic, durable wood. [3 definitions] |
cedar waxwing |
a brownish North American bird that has a crested head and red wing tips. |
cede |
to give up or surrender, esp. formally. |
cedi |
the chief monetary unit of Ghana, equaling one hundred pesewa. |
cedilla |
a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c". |
ceil |
to furnish with a ceiling. [2 definitions] |
ceiling |
the top interior surface of a room. [3 definitions] |