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cephalopod any of various marine mollusks, such as the octopus or squid, that have highly developed eyes, and tentacles attached to the head around the mouth.
cephalosporin any of a group of antibiotics originally isolated from fungi of the genus Acremonium (formerly known as Cephalosporium) used to treat bacterial infections.
cephalothorax the fused unit of head and thorax in certain arachnids and crustaceans.
-cephalous having (such) a type of head or number of heads; -cephalic.
Cepheus a circumpolar constellation in the northern sky, located between Cassiopeia and Draco. [2 definitions]
ceramic of or pertaining to objects made from clay or other nonmetallic mineral. [3 definitions]
Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades.
cere a waxy, fleshy, often brightly colored area at the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as some parrots, eagles, or hawks, that contains the nostrils.
cereal any plant producing an edible grain, such as wheat, rye, or oats, or the like. [4 definitions]
cerebellopontine angle a region of the brain between the pons and cerebellum where tumors frequently form.
cerebellum the region of the brain controlling voluntary muscle coordination and balance.
cerebral characterized by intellect or reason. [2 definitions]
cerebral palsy a motor disorder caused by damage to the brain before or during birth, characterized by spastic paralysis and difficulty in controlling the voluntary muscles.
cerebrate to use the mind; think or reason about.
cerebro- brain.
cerebrospinal pertaining to or affecting the brain and spinal cord.
cerebrovascular of, pertaining to, or involving blood vessels of the cerebrum.
cerebrum the region of the brain comprising the largest area, acting to coordinate voluntary movement and control conscious mental activity.
cerecloth a fabric coated with wax in order to render it waterproof, formerly used for wrapping the dead before burial. [2 definitions]
cerement (usu. pl.) a cerecloth or other shroud.
ceremonial pertaining to, characterized by, or used in a ceremony. [3 definitions]