certificate of deposit |
a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit. |
certification |
the act of certifying. [3 definitions] |
certified |
guaranteed; assured. [2 definitions] |
certified check |
a check bearing the issuing bank's guarantee that there is enough money on deposit to cover the check. |
certified mail |
a postal service that, for a fee, guarantees the delivery of first-class uninsured mail by requiring the addressee to sign for it. [2 definitions] |
certified public accountant |
an accountant who has received an official state certificate for having fulfilled the legal requirements of that state. |
certify |
to affirm the accuracy or certainty of, esp. in a formal manner; confirm. [5 definitions] |
certiorari |
a writ sent from a higher court to a lower, requesting, for review, the transcript of a case tried in the lower court. |
certitude |
the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt. [2 definitions] |
cerulean |
a sky-blue color; azure. |
cerumen |
a waxy yellow secretion from glands in the outer ear canal; earwax. |
cervical |
of or pertaining to the neck. [2 definitions] |
cervix |
the muscular constriction between the uterus and the birth canal. [2 definitions] |
Cesarean |
variant of Caesarean. |
cesium |
a highly reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has fifty-five protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a soft, silvery metal melting to a heavy liquid just above room temperature. (symbol: Cs) [2 definitions] |
cessation |
a pausing or stopping; discontinuance. |
cession |
the act of formally giving up or signing over, as a territory; ceding. [2 definitions] |
cesspool |
a pit or hole for receiving drainage and sewage. |
cesta |
a curved basketlike racket used in jai alai to catch and throw the ball. |
c'est la vie |
(French) that's life; such is life. |
cestus1 |
in ancient times, a belt or girdle worn by a woman. |