chafing dish |
a lidded dish or pot, supported on a metal frame with a candle or other heating device beneath it, and used to cook food at the table or keep it hot. |
chagrin |
embarrassment or humiliation arising from disappointment or failure. [2 definitions] |
chain |
a series of connected links, usu. made of metal, used for attaching, pulling, binding, or ornamentation. [9 definitions] |
chain gang |
a group of convicts chained together to prevent their escape from an outdoor work site. |
chain letter |
a letter with a message or money-making proposal that instructs the recipient to copy the letter and send it to others. |
chain-link fence |
a fence made of interwoven links of galvanized steel. |
chain mail |
flexible armor made of metal links or scalelike plates joined together. |
chain of events |
a series of related events that occur in a sequence after some particular triggering event. |
chain-react |
to be part of or involved in a chain reaction. |
chain reaction |
any sequence of events in which the result of one event becomes the cause of the one that follows. [3 definitions] |
chain saw |
a portable power saw that cuts by means of teeth set into a revolving chain. |
chain-smoke |
to smoke (cigars or cigarettes) one after the other. |
chain stitch |
a crocheting and embroidery stitch that resembles links in a chain. |
chain store |
one of a group of retail stores that are under the same ownership or central management system and that follow a uniform marketing policy. |
chair |
a piece of furniture, usu. with a back and four legs, for one person to sit on. [5 definitions] |
chairlift |
a system of chairs suspended from a power-driven cable, used to carry people, esp. skiers, up or down mountainsides. |
chairman |
a man who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like. |
chairperson |
one who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like. |
chairwoman |
a woman who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like. |
chaise |
a lightweight, two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse. [3 definitions] |
chaise longue |
a couchlike chair with an elongated seat that supports the legs of the sitter. |