champaign |
level, open land; a plain. [2 definitions] |
champ at the bit |
to show impatience. |
champignon |
any of various edible mushrooms. |
champion |
one that has taken first place in a competition; winner. [5 definitions] |
championship |
(sometimes pl.) one or more competitions held to determine the champion. [3 definitions] |
chance |
the quality of happening unexpectedly and randomly, without intention or design. [7 definitions] |
chance it |
(informal) to take the risk of some bad thing happening. |
chancel |
the area near a church's altar where the clergy and choir are seated. |
chancellery |
the office or position of chancellor. [3 definitions] |
chancellor |
the head of state in Austria or the Federal Republic of Germany. [4 definitions] |
chance-medley |
a sudden violent quarrel resulting in spontaneous homicide. |
chancery |
in law, a court having jurisdiction over matters not covered by common law; court of equity. [4 definitions] |
chancla |
(Spanish) a type of sandal; flip-flop. |
chancre |
a hard ulcer or sore, esp. the first obvious lesion of syphilis. |
chancroid |
an infectious, nonsyphilitic bacterial ulcer, usu. on or near the genitals; soft chancre. |
chancy |
uncertain in outcome; risky. |
chandelier |
a light fixture, often decorative, suspended from a ceiling and bearing multiple lights. |
chandler |
a person who produces or sells candles. [2 definitions] |
change |
to alter the content or form of. [18 definitions] |
changeable |
capable of changing; likely to change; variable; inconstant; fickle. [2 definitions] |
changeful |
having a tendency to change; inconstant. |