changeover |
the process of conversion from one system or condition to another. |
change ringing |
the art of ringing a harmoniously tuned set of bells or chimes in every possible sequence without repetition. |
changing |
becoming different; shifting; varying. |
changing of the guard |
a ceremony in which a guard is replaced by another guard. |
Chang Jiang |
the longest river of Asia, flowing from Tibet through central China into the East China Sea; Chang; Yangtze. |
Chang Jiang River |
the longest river of Asia, flowing from Tibet through central China into the East China Sea; Chang; Yangtze. |
channel |
the bed of a river, stream, or other waterway. [8 definitions] |
chanson |
a music-hall or cabaret song, usu. in French or in a French style. |
chansonnier |
a French singer and writer, often of satirical or topical songs. |
chant |
a song, esp. one which is sung on the same note or few notes throughout. [7 definitions] |
chanterelle |
a large edible yellow mushroom with a fruity odor. |
chanteuse |
a female singer, esp. a cabaret entertainer. |
chantey |
a sailor's song, esp. one sung to the rhythm of the work. |
chanticleer |
a rooster. |
Chanukah |
Hanukkah. |
chaos |
a state, condition, or place of complete disorder and confusion. [2 definitions] |
chaotic |
completely disordered or disorganized; in a state of utter confusion. |
chap1 |
to crack or redden (the skin). [3 definitions] |
chap2 |
(informal) a man or boy; fellow. |
chaparejos |
seatless leather trousers worn by cowboys over their regular pants, for extra protection; chaps. |
chaparral |
a low, dense growth of shrubby oaks and brush, esp. in the American Southwest. |