characterless |
combined form of character. |
character sketch |
a short written piece describing a person. [2 definitions] |
charade |
(usu. pl.) a game in which each player must act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other teammates must try to guess it. [2 definitions] |
charbroil |
to broil over burning charcoal. |
charcoal |
solid black carbon resulting from heating wood or other organic substances in a relatively airless enclosure. [7 definitions] |
chard |
a variety of cultivated beet having large leafstalks and leaves, which are used as a vegetable. |
chardonnay |
(often cap.) a dry white table wine. [2 definitions] |
charge |
to give (someone) a responsibility or duty. [22 definitions] |
chargeable |
combined form of charge. |
charge account |
a business arrangement between a buyer and seller in which the seller allows the buyer to charge purchases to an account, for which he or she will be billed later. |
charge card |
see "credit card." |
charged |
carrying electrical energy. |
chargé d'affaires |
a foreign service official who takes charge of diplomatic business whenever an ambassador or minister is temporarily absent. [2 definitions] |
charger |
a thing or person that charges. [3 definitions] |
charging station |
a machine that supplies electrical energy to vehicles powered by electricity, or the place having such a machine. |
chariness |
frugality or miserliness. [2 definitions] |
chariot |
in ancient times, a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle driven from a standing position. [3 definitions] |
charioteer |
one who drives a chariot. [2 definitions] |
charisma |
an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion. [2 definitions] |
charismatic |
having unusually strong personal allure or appeal; marked by charisma. [3 definitions] |
charitable |
generous in donations or benevolent actions for needy persons. [3 definitions] |