Charlotte Amalie |
the capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands. |
charlotte russe |
a dessert consisting of a lining of ladyfingers or sponge cake filled with Bavarian cream. |
charm |
(sometimes pl.) the capability to allure, delight, and please; attractiveness. [11 definitions] |
charming |
alluring, delightful, or very attractive. |
charmless |
combined form of charm. |
charnel |
a place for depositing human corpses or their bones. [2 definitions] |
Charolais |
any of a breed of white beef cattle often used to crossbreed with other types of cattle. |
Charon |
in Greek and Roman mythology, the ferryman who transported the dead across the river Styx to the underworld. [2 definitions] |
charr |
variant of char2. |
charry |
resembling or covered with charcoal. |
chart |
a display of information in graphic or tabular form. [6 definitions] |
charter |
a document issued by a government or other central authority, permitting the organization of a corporation, branch, or other subordinate body. [7 definitions] |
charter member |
any of an organization's founders or original members. |
chartreuse |
a yellowish green color. [2 definitions] |
charwoman |
a woman employed to perform general cleaning work, usu. in a large building. |
chary |
wary or mindful; cautious. [4 definitions] |
chase1 |
to follow with the goal of overtaking; run after. [9 definitions] |
chase2 |
a frame into which type is set for printing. [2 definitions] |
chase3 |
to make ornamental grooves or indentations in; emboss. |
chaser |
one that chases. [2 definitions] |
Chasid |
see "Hasid." |