charter member |
any of an organization's founders or original members. |
chartreuse |
a yellowish green color. [2 definitions] |
charwoman |
a woman employed to perform general cleaning work, usu. in a large building. |
chary |
wary or mindful; cautious. [4 definitions] |
chase1 |
to follow with the goal of overtaking; run after. [9 definitions] |
chase2 |
a frame into which type is set for printing. [2 definitions] |
chase3 |
to make ornamental grooves or indentations in; emboss. |
chaser |
one that chases. [2 definitions] |
Chasid |
see "Hasid." |
chasm |
a deep fissure or cleft in the earth's surface; gorge. [3 definitions] |
chassé |
a swift gliding dance step to the side or front. [2 definitions] |
chasseur |
in the French army, a member of the light infantry or light cavalry, specially trained for rapid maneuvering. [3 definitions] |
chassis |
in a motor vehicle, the frame supporting the body and engine. [4 definitions] |
chaste |
not having committed fornication or adultery. [3 definitions] |
chasten |
to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment. [3 definitions] |
chastise |
to criticize harshly. [2 definitions] |
chastity |
the practice or condition of sexual abstinence or virginity; celibacy. [2 definitions] |
chasuble |
a loose, sleeveless garment worn by a priest over other clothing during Mass. |
chat |
to talk in a friendly or informal manner. [7 definitions] |
château |
a castle or country manor in France, or one built according to a French style. [2 definitions] |
châteaubriand |
an esp. thick and tender center cut of beef tenderloin, usu. served with a sauce. |