chastise |
to criticize harshly. [2 definitions] |
chastity |
the practice or condition of sexual abstinence or virginity; celibacy. [2 definitions] |
chasuble |
a loose, sleeveless garment worn by a priest over other clothing during Mass. |
chat |
to talk in a friendly or informal manner. [7 definitions] |
château |
a castle or country manor in France, or one built according to a French style. [2 definitions] |
châteaubriand |
an esp. thick and tender center cut of beef tenderloin, usu. served with a sauce. |
chatelaine |
the mistress of a castle or large household. [3 definitions] |
chatroom |
a site on the Internet where two or more computer users can converse in real time by typing messages that appear on all participants' screens instantly. |
chattel |
any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property. [2 definitions] |
chattel mortgage |
a mortgage on personal property, esp. movable property. |
chatter |
to speak rapidly and without important content; jabber. [7 definitions] |
chatterbox |
one who talks excessively. |
chatty |
tending to chat; talkative. [2 definitions] |
chauffeur |
one employed to drive an automobile. [2 definitions] |
Chautauqua |
a lake in southwestern New York, or the village located on this lake. [3 definitions] |
chauvinism |
zealous or excessive patriotism. [2 definitions] |
chauvinist |
one who has a biased belief in the superiority of one's own sex over the other. |
chawbacon |
(slang; often derogatory) an ignorant, uncouth person from a rural area; yokel; bumpkin. |
cheap |
bearing a low price; relatively inexpensive. [8 definitions] |
cheapen |
to cause to become cheap or cheaper. [4 definitions] |
cheap-jack |
one who deals with or sells inferior, shoddy items. [3 definitions] |