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check an assessment or search to make sure something is correct or in order. [19 definitions]
checkable combined form of check.
checkbook a booklet of blank forms that can be used to pay out money from a bank account.
check-box a small empty square printed next to an item on a form, test, or list, to be filled in with a check or other mark to indicate choice or completion. [2 definitions]
check-cashing card a card given by a store. It allows a person to write a check to buy something from that store.
checker1 one of the disks used as a game piece in checkers, a game played by two persons, each having twelve disks to be moved over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. [4 definitions]
checker2 one that checks. [3 definitions]
checkerberry the wintergreen plant or its red, spicy, berrylike fruit.
checkerboard a surface marked into eight rows and columns of squares of two alternating colors, usu. red and black, and used as a game board for checkers or chess. [3 definitions]
checkered patterned with squares. [3 definitions]
checkers (pl. but used with a sing. verb) a game played by two persons, each having twelve disks to be moved over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors.
check in to register at a hotel, conference, or the like, or to give official confirmation of one's intention to travel imminently. [2 definitions]
check-in the act or an instance of registering, as at a hotel.
checking account a deposit in a bank, credit union, or the like, against which checks may be written by the depositor. (Cf. savings account.)
checkless combined form of check.
checklist a thorough or complete list of items compiled for checking or other reference purposes.
check mark a mark () placed next to an item to indicate correctness, completion, choice, or other kinds of verification.
checkmate in the game of chess, a winning maneuver in which the opponent's king piece is brought under direct attack and from which escape is not possible. [3 definitions]
checkoff a system of collecting union dues by deducting the amount due from the employee's paycheck.
check off to make a mark next to things on a list that are already correct, completed, or not needed anymore.
checkout the act of checking out of a hotel room. [4 definitions]