chemotherapeutic |
of, pertaining to, or used in chemotherapy. |
chemotherapy |
the science or practice of destroying disease-causing microorganisms or malignant tissue by use of chemicals, esp. toxic ones. |
chemurgy |
the industrial development of new chemical products from organic raw materials, usu. farm products. |
Cheng Tang |
first leader of the Shang dynasty of China, ruling in approximately the seventeenth century B.C.E. (exact dates contested). |
chenille |
a tufted or velvetlike cord, used in embroidery and for fringes, or woven into a fabric. [2 definitions] |
chenin blanc |
a dry to slightly sweet white wine. [2 definitions] |
cheongsam |
a fitted Chinese dress having a high neck, usu. short sleeves, and side slits to the thighs. |
cherish |
to value with great affection. [3 definitions] |
cherishable |
combined form of cherish. |
Cherokee |
a member of a North American Indian tribe that formerly lived in the southeastern United States, and now is mostly in Oklahoma and North Carolina. [2 definitions] |
Cherokee rose |
a climbing, thornless rose that bears large white fragrant flowers. |
cheroot |
an untapered cigar made with both ends open. |
cherries jubilee |
a dessert made of vanilla ice cream topped with a sauce of black cherries and served flambé with brandy or kirsch. |
cherry |
the edible fruit of the cherry tree, having a small, hard stone enclosed by yellow, red, or dark purple flesh. [5 definitions] |
cherry bomb |
a round, red, very explosive firecracker. |
cherrystone |
the edible quahog clam when it is partly grown and still fairly small. |
cherry tomato |
a red or yellow tomato about the size of a cherry, often used in salads. |
chert |
a hard compact rock, esp. of quartz, found in limestone. |
cherub |
a heavenly being, esp. one of the second order of angels, usu. represented as a winged child with a chubby face and rosy cheeks. [2 definitions] |
chervil |
a plant of the parsley family having aromatic leaves and used as a seasoning or as a salad herb. [2 definitions] |
Cheshire cat |
in the nineteenth-century children's novel Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, a grinning cat that magically disappears, his grin being the last to fade away. |