chess3 |
a floor board of a pontoon bridge. |
chessboard |
a checkerboard used for playing chess. |
chessman |
any one of the pieces used in playing chess. |
chess pie |
a custardlike dessert baked in a pastry shell. |
chest |
the upper front section of the human body between the neck and the abdomen. [4 definitions] |
chested |
having or designating a particular type of chest or thorax (usu. used in combination). |
chesterfield |
a tailored, single- or double-breasted topcoat having a velvet collar. [2 definitions] |
Chester White |
a kind of large white hog first bred in Chester County, Pennsylvania. |
chestnut |
an edible nut produced by a tree or shrub of the beech family and having a prickly shell. [5 definitions] |
chest of drawers |
a large piece of furniture that has several drawers and is usu. set in a bedroom to hold clothing; dresser. |
chesty |
(informal) having a large or well-developed chest or bosom. [2 definitions] |
chetrum |
the smaller monetary unit of Bhutan. (Cf. ngultrum.) |
cheval glass |
a full-length framed mirror mounted in such a way that it can be tilted or swiveled. |
chevalier |
a member of one of various orders of merit, such as the Legion of Honor. [3 definitions] |
Cheviot |
any of a breed of sheep with short, thick wool. [2 definitions] |
chevron |
an insignia or badge of rank having stripes arranged in a V or inverted V and worn by policemen, noncommissioned officers, and the like. |
chew |
to tear or grind between the teeth; masticate. [6 definitions] |
chewable |
combined form of chew. |
chewing gum |
a soft and sticky product used for prolonged chewing, usu. made of chicle that has been sweetened and flavored. |
chewink |
a towhee of eastern North America. |
chew out |
(informal) to scold. |