chewink |
a towhee of eastern North America. |
chew out |
(informal) to scold. |
chew the cud |
to think about deeply; ponder. |
chew the fat |
(informal) to talk idly; chat. |
chew the rag |
(informal) to talk idly; chat. |
chewy |
requiring much chewing. |
Cheyenne |
a member of an American Indian tribe that now lives in Montana and Oklahoma. [3 definitions] |
chez |
(French) at or in the home of; with; by. |
chi2 |
vital energy that, according to Taoist and other Chinese philosophies, is inherent in all things and whose free and balanced flow around the body is the basis of good health. |
chi1 |
the name of the twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet. |
Chianti |
a dry Italian table wine, usu. red. |
chiao |
see "jiao." |
chiaroscuro |
the arrangement of contrasting light and shade in pictorial representation. |
chic |
elegant or fashionable; stylish. [2 definitions] |
Chicago |
a major U.S. city in Illinois near the southern tip of Lake Michigan. |
Chicana |
a woman or girl of Mexican descent who lives in or is a citizen of the United States. |
chicane |
trickery or deception; chicanery. [4 definitions] |
chicanery |
deception by clever or cunning means. [2 definitions] |
Chicano |
an American citizen or resident of Mexican descent. |
chicha |
a beer of Central and South America made from fermented corn or fruit. |
chichi |
ostentatiously showy or fashionable. |