Chicano |
an American citizen or resident of Mexican descent. |
chicha |
a beer of Central and South America made from fermented corn or fruit. |
chichi |
ostentatiously showy or fashionable. |
chick |
a newly hatched or immature bird or fowl, esp. a chicken. [3 definitions] |
chickadee |
a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat. |
chickaree |
see "red squirrel." |
Chickasaw |
a member of a tribe of North American Indians originally of Mississippi, now in Oklahoma. [2 definitions] |
chicken |
the common farm fowl, kept for its meat and eggs. [4 definitions] |
chicken-fried |
dipped in batter or coated with flour and seasonings and fried. |
chicken hawk |
any of various hawks that prey or are thought to prey on barnyard fowl, esp. chickens. |
chicken-hearted |
(informal) cowardly; timid. |
chicken-livered |
(informal) cowardly; timid. |
chicken out |
(informal) to refrain from doing an intended thing because of fear; to lose one's courage to do something. |
chicken pox |
a contagious viral disease, usu. of children, that produces fever and skin eruptions. |
chickenshit |
(vulgar slang) petty or meaningless matters. [3 definitions] |
chicken wire |
a flexible wire netting, usu. of hexagonal mesh, esp. for chicken coop enclosures and other light barriers. |
chickpea |
a leguminous, bushy plant of central Asia and the Mediterranean region. [2 definitions] |
chickweed |
a small, scrubby weed of the pink family with small leaves and white flowers. |
chicle |
a gummy substance derived from a tropical American tree and used to make chewing gum. |
chicory |
a blue-flowered perennial plant whose leaves are used in salads and whose large root is often roasted and ground and added to coffee. [2 definitions] |
chide |
to nag or goad by criticizing. [3 definitions] |