chilblain |
(usu. pl.) an irritation or inflammation of the skin, usu. of the hands, feet, or face, caused by exposure to dampness and cold. |
child |
a young human; baby. [5 definitions] |
childbearing |
the process of conceiving, carrying, and giving birth to a child. [2 definitions] |
childbed |
the condition of a woman as she gives birth to a child. |
childbirth |
the act or occasion of giving birth to a child; parturition. |
child care |
the practice, service, or business of caring for other people's children, esp. young children whose parents work outside the home. |
childhood |
the period or state of being a child. |
childish |
typical of or appropriate for a child. [2 definitions] |
child labor |
the full-time employment of children under a minimum age specified by law. |
childless |
not having a son or daughter.. |
childlike |
like or appropriate to a child, esp. in simplicity, openness, or innocence. |
childproof |
made or arranged so as to be free from potential damage by children or from hazardous misuse by them. [2 definitions] |
child-rearing |
the process of raising children, including taking care of their daily needs as well as actively or indirectly instilling values in them. |
children |
pl. of child. |
child's play |
something that is very easily done; cinch. |
Chile |
a South American country on the Pacific coast south of Peru. |
chile |
variant of chili. |
chile con carne |
variant of chili con carne. |
Chile saltpeter |
naturally occurring sodium nitrate, esp. as found in Chile and Peru. |
chili |
the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [3 definitions] |
chiliburger |
a hamburger topped with chili. |