children |
pl. of child. |
child's play |
something that is very easily done; cinch. |
Chile |
a South American country on the Pacific coast south of Peru. |
chile |
variant of chili. |
chile con carne |
variant of chili con carne. |
Chile saltpeter |
naturally occurring sodium nitrate, esp. as found in Chile and Peru. |
chili |
the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [3 definitions] |
chiliburger |
a hamburger topped with chili. |
chili con carne |
a spicy Mexican dish of beef and chilies or chili powder, often with beans and onions. |
chilidog |
a hot dog topped with chili. |
chili pepper |
the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant; chili. |
chili powder |
a powdered seasoning of dried chilies, garlic, cumin, and the like. |
chili sauce |
a sauce of tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, and spices. |
chill |
coldness or cooling off. [16 definitions] |
chill factor |
see "windchill factor." |
chilli |
variant of chili. |
chill out |
(informal) to become calmer; stop being tense or emotional. [2 definitions] |
chilly |
producing an uncomfortably cool sensation. [4 definitions] |
chimaera |
variant of chimera. |
chime |
a ringing device, as in a doorbell. [8 definitions] |
chime in |
to interrupt suddenly to add one's opinion. [2 definitions] |