chimera |
a mythical fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a snake's tail. [3 definitions] |
chimerical |
existing only in the mind; fanciful. |
chimney |
a hollow, vertical structure of masonry, which allows smoke and gases to escape from a furnace, fireplace, or stove; flue. [2 definitions] |
chimney pot |
a pipe, usu. of clay, fitted to the top of a chimney to improve the draft. |
chimney swallow |
see "chimney swift." |
chimney sweep |
one whose work is to clean out chimneys. |
chimney swift |
a darkish brown American swift that often nests in chimneys. |
chimp |
(informal) a chimpanzee. |
chimpanzee |
a highly intelligent African species of ape, closely related to humans and smaller than the gorilla. |
chin |
the central, protruding part of the jaw below the mouth. [3 definitions] |
China |
a large, populous East Asian country on the Pacific coast; People's Republic of China. [2 definitions] |
china |
delicate, high-quality ceramic material or ware; porcelain. [2 definitions] |
chinaberry |
a spreading tree native to Asia that bears white or purple blossoms and yellow fruit. [2 definitions] |
China Sea |
see "East China Sea," "South China Sea." |
Chinatown |
any neighborhood or region inhabited by Chinese in a foreign city. |
chinaware |
tableware, ornaments, or the like made of china. |
chincapin |
variant of chinquapin. |
chinch |
see "chinch bug." [2 definitions] |
chinch bug |
a small black and white insect that is destructive to grains and grasses. |
chinchilla |
a small South American rodent that resembles a squirrel. [4 definitions] |
chine |
a backbone, esp. of an animal; spine. [4 definitions] |