chortle |
to give or express with, a snorting chuckle. [2 definitions] |
chorus |
an ensemble of singers. [6 definitions] |
chorus girl |
a young woman who dances and sometimes sings in the chorus of a musical comedy, variety show, or the like. |
chose |
past tense of choose. |
chosen |
past participle of choose. [3 definitions] |
Chou |
the third dynasty in China, about 1122 to 256 B.C. |
chow1 |
(informal) food. |
chow2 |
a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back. |
chowchow |
a relish of pickled vegetables, often in a hot mustard sauce. |
chow chow |
see "chow2." |
chowder |
a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base. |
chow mein |
a Chinese-American dish of stewed bean sprouts, other vegetables, and bits of chicken, seafood, or meat, poured over fried noodles. |
chrism |
a consecrated oil mixed with balsam and used by some churches in certain rites, such as baptism. [2 definitions] |
Christ |
in the New Testament, the designation of the Old Testament "Messiah". [2 definitions] |
christen |
to baptize, sometimes simultaneously giving a formal name to. [3 definitions] |
Christendom |
the parts of the world where Christianity is the most common religion. [2 definitions] |
christening |
the sacrament of baptism, usu. involving the formal naming of a child. [2 definitions] |
Christian |
of, concerning, or derived from the person, actions, or teachings of Jesus Christ, or the religion based on these teachings. [5 definitions] |
Christian Era |
in Christianity, the era beginning with the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, designated as 1 A.D. |
Christianity |
the Christian religion, including its many sects. [4 definitions] |
Christianize |
to convert to Christianity. [2 definitions] |