Christopher Columbus |
an Italian navigator and explorer, and leader of the Spanish expedition that landed in America in 1492 (b.1451?--d.1506). |
chroma |
the purity or degree of saturation of a color; relative absence of white or gray in a color. |
chromate |
a salt or uncharged ester of chromic acid. |
chromatic |
having to do with color or colors. [2 definitions] |
chromatics |
(used with a sing. verb) the scientific study of color characteristics and variations. |
chromatic scale |
a musical scale consisting of all half steps. |
chromatin |
a protoplasmic substance in cell nuclei that contains the genes and forms the chromosomes. |
chromato- |
color. |
chromatography |
a method of separating a mixture by passing it through a medium in which the component parts move at different rates. |
-chrome |
colored (as specified). [3 definitions] |
Chrome |
a web browser developed by Google. |
chrome |
chromium or an alloy of chromium. [5 definitions] |
chromemoly |
shortened form of "chromium molybdenum steel," a steel alloy used for making such things as bicycle frames. |
chromic |
of or containing trivalent chromium. |
chromic acid |
an acid containing chromium that exists only in solution or in the form of its salts. |
chromium |
a chemical element that has twenty-four protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a silver-gray, lustrous, corrosion-resistant solid metal, chiefly used in electroplating, alloys such as stainless steel, or compounds with other elements. (symbol: Cr) |
chromium steel |
a very strong steel that contains chromium. |
chromo |
a chromolithograph. |
chromo- |
color. [2 definitions] |
chromodynamics |
in particle physics, the theory of the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, fundamental particles that form hadrons such as the proton and neutron. |
chromolithograph |
a picture lithographed in color. |