chronometry |
the scientific measuring of time. |
chrysalid |
the pupa of a moth or butterfly; chrysalis. [2 definitions] |
chrysalis |
a hard shell or cocoon encasing a moth or butterfly in the pupal stage; pupa. |
chrysanthemum |
any of various perennial plants cultivated for their attractive autumnal blooms. [2 definitions] |
chryselephantine |
made of or overlaid with gold and ivory, as certain decorative objects and statues in ancient Greece. |
chrysolite |
a usu. magnesium-rich form of olivine, used as a gemstone. |
chrysoprase |
a greenish form of chalcedony, sometimes used as a semiprecious stone. |
chrysotile |
a fibrous variety of serpentine, from which commercial asbestos is obtained. |
chthonic |
of, pertaining, or characteristic of the underworld. |
chub |
any of various thick-bodied freshwater fish common to Europe. [3 definitions] |
chubby |
plump and round. |
chuck1 |
to playfully or affectionately touch or pat, esp. under the chin. [6 definitions] |
chuck2 |
a cut or section of beef taken from the area between the neck and shoulder blades. [2 definitions] |
chuck3 |
to cluck. [2 definitions] |
chuck-a-luck |
a gambling game in which players bet on the possible values of three rolled dice. |
chuck-full |
full to the limit; chock-full. |
chuckhole |
a hole or rut in a road surface; pothole. |
chuckle |
to laugh softly or in a half-suppressed manner. [3 definitions] |
chuck wagon |
in the western United States, a wagon or van used to carry food and utensils for feeding outdoor workers such as cowboys. |
chuckwalla |
a large lizard, related to the iguana, that lives in the deserts of Mexico and the southwestern United States. |
chuff |
a chugging or puffing sound, as of a steam engine. [2 definitions] |