churchman |
a male member of the clergy; priest. [2 definitions] |
Church of Christ, Scientist |
the official name of the church of Christian Science. |
Church of England |
the national church of England, which is Catholic in form but incorporates some Protestant beliefs and is independent of the papacy. |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
the official name of the Mormon Church. |
churchwarden |
in the Anglican Church, a lay officer who manages the secular or legal affairs of the church. [3 definitions] |
churchwoman |
a female member of the clergy. [2 definitions] |
churchyard |
the grounds surrounding a church, often used as a cemetery. |
churl |
a rude or vulgar person. [3 definitions] |
churlish |
rude or vulgar in behavior or manner. [3 definitions] |
churn |
an apparatus in which cream or milk is beaten or agitated to form butter. [6 definitions] |
churn out |
to produce or manufacture rapidly or in large quantity. |
churr |
to make a trilling or whirring sound. [2 definitions] |
chute1 |
a sloped trough or channel down which things may slide in order to transport them. [4 definitions] |
chute2 |
a steep or narrow slope, as for skiing or tobogganing. |
chute3 |
(informal) a parachute. [3 definitions] |
chutney |
a spicy sauce or relish of East Indian origin made with fruits and herbs. |
chutzpah |
sheer audacity or gutsiness; utter nerve. |
chyle |
a light-colored fluid containing emulsified fat that is formed from chyme in the small intestine and that is absorbed by the lacteals and passed into the bloodstream. |
chyme |
the semifluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach and that passes into the small intestine. |
abbreviation of "Central Intelligence Agency," a U.S. agency of the federal government that oversees intelligence operations outside of the country. |
ciao |
(Italian) used as an expression of greeting or farewell. |