chutney |
a spicy sauce or relish of East Indian origin made with fruits and herbs. |
chutzpah |
sheer audacity or gutsiness; utter nerve. |
chyle |
a light-colored fluid containing emulsified fat that is formed from chyme in the small intestine and that is absorbed by the lacteals and passed into the bloodstream. |
chyme |
the semifluid thick mass that is the product of the partial digestion of food in the stomach and that passes into the small intestine. |
abbreviation of "Central Intelligence Agency," a U.S. agency of the federal government that oversees intelligence operations outside of the country. |
ciao |
(Italian) used as an expression of greeting or farewell. |
ciborium |
the permanent canopy above an altar. [2 definitions] |
cicada |
any of various large insects characterized by thin membranous wings and a shrill noise emitted by the male. |
cicatrix |
tissue that forms over a fresh wound and eventually contracts into a scar; scar tissue. [2 definitions] |
cicatrize |
to cause to heal by forming a cicatrix or scar. [2 definitions] |
cicerone |
a guide who shows and explains a place's history, features, or the like. |
cichlid |
any of a large family (Cichlidae) of mostly freshwater tropical fish, some of which are commonly found in aquariums. |
Cichlidae |
a large and diverse family of mostly freshwater tropical fish. |
-cide |
killer. [2 definitions] |
cider |
the juice pressed out of apples, used for drinking and for making vinegar. |
cider press |
a large press used to extract juice from apples for cider. |
cigar |
a slender, tight roll of cured tobacco leaves prepared for smoking. |
cigarette |
a short, narrow tube of thin paper containing finely cut, cured tobacco for smoking. |
cigarillo |
a small thin cigar. |
cilantro |
the young leaves and delicate stems of the coriander plant used as an herb for flavor or garnish. |
cilia |
pl. of cilium. |